
RAW UNCUT - Apollo 11 Post Flight Press Conference


The crew of Apollo 11 nervously, reluctantly, and with the emotion of a eulogy, present their one and only full press conference . . . with the aid of teleprompters discretely hidden in the desk, in order to help them remember their one of kind experience, that the writers of their script should know nothing about.

Notice at time 1:04:42 that Neil Armstrong is asked whether or not he remembered seeing any stars in the lunar sky, a subject the crew was apparently asked to avoid as the correct astrological positions of the constellations were too difficult to simulate in the fake lunar backgrounds. Armstrong then wrongly replies with "I don't recall", to which Aldrin grimaces in discomfort at his error (as if one would forget such an important detail that they witnessed first hand in their alleged universally unique experience). To help Armstrong recover from being tripped up by this difficult question, crew member Michael Collins offered assistance by interjecting "I don't remember seeing any." The problem is, he forgot that he wasn't even there! (It was Buzz Aldrin who supposedly walked on the moon with Armstrong, not Collins!)

Apparently when all three orbited the earth together for eight days in a relatively small space capsule (never actually leaving earth orbit, much less landing on the moon), Michael Collins' experience of the mission (though he was alleged to have stayed behind orbiting the moon while Armstrong and Aldrin walked on the surface) was exactly identical to that of his teammates. As such, he instinctively chimed in at this point in the interview in an attempt to smooth over the rough spot in the conversation, forgetting temporarily that he never was supposed to have been on the moon's surface in the first place!

In the official transcript of this rare press conference (which, until this video release, was the only way of knowing what was said at that time), lightening struck twice in the exact same place! At the very moment where Collins misspoke, there is also a "transcription error" as well! In the official NASA record (the transcript) the government made a desperate and lame attempt to cover-up Collin's revealing mistake by attributing his remark "I don't remember seeing any (stars)" to Aldrin!

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